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Global Search

Jan 31, 2020

As your business grows, so does the amount of data that you have to manage. While combing through a couple of sales orders is not a big deal, a couple hundred of them suddenly becomes a problem. Fear not. We are here to help you!

We are super excited to announce our brand new search feature. If it’s just a search bar, what’s the big deal? We didn’t just create a search bar; we created a supercharged search bar to bring you the ultimate productivity, and we know you’re going to love it!

Start your search

Access our Global Search by clicking on the search icon on the navigation bar.

Scoped Searches

By default, our Global Search will search across all of your data to bring you the best possible suggestion for your search query. We could have stopped there, but we wanted to make it even better. We’ve added filters so you can scope your search down even further for that additional precision you need.

Powerful Previews

We added powerful previews to improve your search experience. The example below shows the shipment information belonging to the customer. You can not only see the shipment id, but you can also know the order it belongs to, the customer the order belongs to, the customer PO attached to the order, the shipping method, and the shipping address. If you click the View Shipment button, we will show a dialog with the complete shipment information. When you are done, just close the dialog and continue with your search.

Keyboard Shortcuts

We realize that our global search is going to be a feature that you will use a lot, and we mean A LOT. To give this experience the final polish, we’ve added keyboard shortcuts so you can quickly search and get to the result you need. Just press the “Shift” key twice to bring the dialog and start typing. Use the arrow key to look at the previews and hit enter when you have found what you need. It’s that easy.

Video Demo

We started the feature as a humble search bar but couldn’t stop ourselves from making it the best search bar you will ever use. We are super excited about this feature, and we can’t wait for you to try it out!

WithYoprint Team