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Halfway Through ‘23. Here’s What’s New

Jul 3, 2023

Whoa, we’re halfway there! Can you believe we’re already halfway through the year? Time flies when you’re having fun, and we’ve been having a blast making improvements to your favorite print shop software. Let’s dive into some of the latest updates in YoPrint!

Re-Arranging Services

We heard you loud and clear – you wanted more control over how you arrange your services. Well, you ask, we deliver! Now, you can rearrange your services however you like. Alphabetical, size-based, print-type sorting – you name it, you got it.

Log Out of Other Devices

We take your security seriously, which is why we’ve added a new feature that lets you log out of other devices from one central location. Changing your password? You’ll automatically log out of all other devices, too.

Action Required – Front and Center

We’ve added a new Action Required section in the Customer Portal that shows pending approvals at the order level. Your customers can’t miss it.

Honorable Mentions

The first half of 2023 has flown by, and the second half promises even bigger and better things for YoPrint. Don’t miss out – subscribe to our newsletter today and stay in the loop!

WithYoprint Team