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Holiday Release!

Dec 22, 2019

Happy Holidays! We come bearing gifts in the form of a new release. We hope you will love it as much as we do.

Invoice Export

One of the cornerstones of YoPrint is our automatic, managed invoice system. We handle creating and updating the invoices transparently so that you don’t have to worry about them. We seamlessly sync these invoices to your QuickBooks Online to help your accounting process. However, what if you don’t use QuickBooks Online?

We are happy to announce the Invoice Export page. You can access this page via Reports > Invoices. Just select the date range you need and click click Export to download the CSV file.

Invoice Export PageInvoice Export Page

Major Pricing Group Updates

We have made some exciting additions to make our already flexible Pricing Group even better.

Markup / Discount % by Quantity

With our new Markup / Discount Table, you can now decide the markup based on the quantity ordered. Reduce the markup on larger orders or charge more for smaller orders. Decide the right pricing for your business.

Markup by Price

Sometimes, you want to decide markup based on the cost of the product. Our new Markup by Price table allows you to do just that, let it be a markup percentage or a fixed amount by price.

Product-Specific Rules

Perhaps you have specific products that you charge differently. You would like to keep your best selling product price the same regardless of the order quantity, or you may be running a special promo on certain items offering a substantial discount. No matter the business need, with our new product-specific rules, you can accomplish just that.

Pricing Group UpdatesPricing Group Updates

Square Transaction Sync

As you already know, we automatically sync all transactions made using your Square App + Card Reader. However, what about refunds? Do we handle that too? The short answer is yes, sometimes.

The long answer, we listen to notifications from Square to automatically keep your Sales Order payments up-to-date. However, sometimes, Square doesn’t notify us, and therefore the Sales Order will not record the refund. This issue affects refunds only. We decided we want to handle this proactively.

You can now safely refund a transaction from Square. Then head over to the affected Sales Order. Click on the action button on the affected transaction and click sync.

Three Decimal Prices

Staying competitive while remaining profitable, especially in large order printing, may come down to a fraction of cents. Pricing a job at 1 cent per print vs. 1.5 cents is a difference of $1000.00 vs. $1500.00 for 100,000 prints.

You can use three decimals in Pricing Matrix, and unit prices in Sales Order / Quote and as well as pricing overrides.

Three Decimal Pricing in Pricing MatrixThree Decimal Pricing in Pricing Matrix

Customer Portal Domain Checking

At YoPrint, your business identity is at the center of our customer portal. We make it easy to use your business domain name with YoPrint, and we even automatically provision an SSL certificate for you.

Now we are adding a CNAME checker to let you know if you have configured the CNAME record properly with your DNS service provider. When you see that your domain name is ONLINE, you know the process is completed.

CNAME CheckerCNAME Checker

Miscellaneous UI Enhancements

We hope these updates bring you joy this festive season!

WithYoprint Team