Purchase Order Linking v2.0

Apr 21, 2020

The next installment of YoPrint 2.0 is here! We have re-written our Sales Order – Purchase Order Linking system from the ground up and finally gave it the facelift it deserves.

Bulk Purchasing

Batching multiple orders to take advantage of lower prices and free shipping is a no-brainer for any business out there. We’ve now made this process easier than before. Just select the Sales Orders and click “Create Purchase Order.” We will handle the linking for you. It’s that simple.

Manual Linking

You’ve created a Purchase Order and it’s not linked to the correct Sales Order. Worry not! You can always manually link the Sales Orders and Purchase Orders. Just search for the Sales Order / Purchase Order and click “Link.” Accidentally linked the wrong Sales Order? Just click “Unlink.” Easy.

Bonus Update: Inline-Edits

Have you ever gotten annoyed having to click “Edit” and to go through a full update form just to change something as simple as due date or notes? We did too, and we went ahead and fixed it. You can now inline-edit a range of fields without having to leave the dialog.

We believe that you are going to love these new features. Try it today!

WithYoprint Team