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TSF Sportswear, Pricing Override, and More

Sep 30, 2019

Introducing TSF Sportswear Catalog

We are now fully integrated with the TSF Sportswear catalog. You can now search for products from TSF sportswear directly from YoPrint. To enable this integration, head over to Configuration > Settings > General and toggle on Enable TSF Sportswear Catalog.

Search for TSF Sportswear productsSearch for TSF Sportswear products

Introducing Pricing Override v2.0

We created the Pricing Override feature to provide businesses with the convenience of changing the price of a single line item without having to create/update existing Pricing Matrices or Pricing Groups.

Considering this feature was well received and heavily used, we have decided to revamp how it looks and allow the following functionalities.

Pricing Override popoverPricing Override popover

Unit Price Breakdown

Our unit prices are intelligently calculated based on the catalog/product prices, the services selected, the pricing group used, and the pricing overrides applied arriving at the final price. While this is convenient, it lacked the transparency needed for businesses to make informed decisions. To aid with this, you can now hover over the unit price to see a detailed breakdown, including the product cost, product price, product markup, product margin, and the service price.

Unit Price breakdownUnit Price breakdown

Customer Search Bar

When you have a lot of customers, it can become tedious clicking next until you find the customer you are looking. We now added the ability to search for your customers. Just type the name and hit enter to search. It’s that simple.

Customer search barCustomer search bar

We have also fixed many bugs and other small refinements in this release. We hope you will find these updates helpful!

WithYoprint Team